Monday, December 2, 2013

Day One of Project Turkey Leftover Removal : Turkey Pot Pie

I made two delicious turkeys this year in the crockpot. See my FB page Tips for Everyday Living if you are interested in how to do that....I have had a hard time getting into my blog due to a password glitch so I should have posted that on here as well but quite frankly I have been neglecting the blog lately.Hopefully it will get cranking up again and become more current. My apologies. I try to keep it running and share all my posts on my FB page Tips for Everyday Living where I post multiple times a day.

As I stated on my FB page Turkey pot pie is super easy and if you have never tried it you will be amazed at all those times you thought so and so was a terrific cook and they really just knew a secret you didn't know....Turkey Pot Pie is a cinch with a storebought pie crust.

I will start posting pics and give descriptions as I go. Enjoy!!--Tips

I started by defrosting or letting get to room temp TWO ( only one shown) store pot pie crust....they come two in a pack....once they sag they are good....before that they will fight you when you unroll them....believe me, it is worth the wait....give it 20 or 30 min to sag.....along with that get out a can of potatoes, a can of corn and a can of peas or whatever veggies you want to add to your pot pie....this is a great way to get rid of leftovers and get some veggies in your family during flu season!

this is what a sagging crust should look will be soft and pliable to the touch

this is the other crust I rolled out into a pie plate....that is diced up turkey inside the pie plate....I usually mix everything is a bowl but I didn't tonight....I mixed it gently in the pie plate....that was a  mistake....bowl I repeat bowl.....

add a big can of cream of something soup....I like cream of chicken or celery or mushroom all are fine

this is a bag of frozen carrots I dipped into as part of my ingredients I added

this is my rendition of an old lady in curlers....the efforts I go to for you people!!

drained the canned corn and peas( u can use fresh or organic or whatever floats your boat....just veggies is all that is important)
Lastly I added some hunks of potatoes....again, this really is enough for two pot pies and I do not recommend mixing it in the pie plate....won't be doing THAT again.

patted it all down flat and mounded it up into a nice little hill then rolled out the other pie crust on top....just peel the edge off and press it down on the existing pie crust and start is not hard I promise.....roll to the other side....if it overlaps just flip it up and make it part of the crust
you need to vent your pot pie so I made an M for my daughter's name. Wha-lah. Turkey Pot Pie. How hard was that? It wasn't was it? See I knew you could do it!! I am proud of you!!--Tips

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