Thursday, September 26, 2013

How easy is it to dye your hair using foam hair dye? You KNOW it is EASY if i am willing to do it!!...

How easy is it to dye your hair using foam hair dye? You KNOW it is EASY if i am willing to do it!!......So easy you will think twice about paying someone exorbitant amounts to dye your hair when you could do it yourself for under $10 and under an hour!

I remember as a child my parents saying they had blond hair and I thought "yeah right!" b/c they both had jet black hair with hints of grey that me and my siblings had probably caused....haha....then again, they had a propensity for trouble brought upon themselves so who knows who is to blame?

Either way, as I have gotten older my hair has gone from light blond ( so light I had this one boyfriend who swore I dyed my hair b/c my eyebrows were so dark....whatever!) to dark blond/light brown and you and I both know what is coming next....jet black with comes the foam dye into play....the dye covers grey too for the record.

I am a cheapskate at best. Call me frugal call me cheap call me stingy ( no idea about the spelling? i am half asleep as i type this so it is staying....) me miserly.....whatever you want to call me that is fine but I am not payin' somebody to do something I can  EASILY do myself !! Foam dye makes it so simple I didn't even look at the directions this last time.....I knew the will too!

The hardest part involves driving your fanny to Walmart or wherever they sell foam hair dye in your desired color. Now do not fret too much b/c if your hair is fine like mine the color will not come out as light as they claim....I keep using light blonde and believe me, it only takes my hair down a notch....nothing don't be too worried and agonize over the hair color selection too fact if you are worried get a little bit darker dye than you want your hair and ease into's fine, we all have to start somewhere and if that is what it takes to build up your courage so be it!

Ok so pick out your hair home....whew....that's the hardest part. Can you stand in front of a mirror? Can you sit in front of a mirror if you are in a wheelchair? Good. That's really all you need besides access to a shower....ok I will get to the point of this to dye your hair using foam dye....

First you open the box. Try not to break a nail....i know it is hard work but you can do it.....haha

This is what I started can use any brand you want....I just got the cheapest one....see above....I am a cheapskate even when it comes to something as important as my hair.....haha....I think it was all of $4

These are the box fact, it is best to open it before leaving the store because believe it or not people steal things out of the boxes and if you come home and don't see all the parts you are in trouble..that happened to me once....good thing I had not poured anything and wasted it or I would have been hot under the collar and had to drive to walmart AGAIN.....what you have here in the pic is a big bottle of chemicals, a little bottle of the dye, a pump nozzle and a tube of conditioner and a packet of instructions with gloves folded inside the paper.....

this is really all you will need to start the dyeing process......

See the big says developer.....the little bottle is the dye color you chose....just pour the little bottle into the big bottle....oh SO may want to go lay down after all that exertion....haha

Ok once you pour the little bottle into the big bottle screw the nozzle into the big are almost not shake or swirl around or anything before you put the nozzle on as it will foam up....not the end of the world but you are dealing with use caution....and think of your like your eyes don't cha?

Ok open that little paper packet and you will find two gloves....put them on.....chemicals and hands are not friends.....eyes and chemicals are not friends so if you have some sunglasses you can see in or safety glasses or just glasses it might not be a terrible idea to put them on....yes I said don't have to be precise with this stuff....the main objective is protecting your eyes....don't worry....just don't be slinging the foam around and you will be fine.

Ok see that little plastic covering on the foam dispenser? Take it off and use it for something else....shake the bottle with the foam dispenser gently to activate the foam and depress the foam into your gloved hand. I use a towel around my neck held in place by a hair clip to protect my clothes or you could go naked on top if you prefer....but again, think chemicals....wear that old tshirt you sleep in you hope nobody ever sees you in....who cares if it gets another hole in it?....

You might want to section your hair into three sections and clip them in place to hold them out of the way....a towel and three clips is all I failed to mention above....sorry for omitting them from the items needed. Surely you have an old towel somewhere.

....I usually just pump some foam into my palm and start smearing onto the  hair part area first....I really get that part wet then I clip my hair into three sections and just start smearing the foam from end to end and I even get it underneath....but make sure you get all three sections at least once before you go overboard on the foam.....then come back around and get the underside,etc....just do what comes naturally....there is no right or wrong way to do this....really it IS foolproof....

So smear away and make sure and get the back too....just cover all your hair before the foam runs out is what I am trying to say.....the foam will turn greyish when you get near the bottom....just a headsup for your
fountain of knowledge and so you don't freak when you see it....haha

So cover your hair with the foam and I leave mine clipped up in a pile on top of my head. Leave on for whatever the package says.....mine says 30 min but some friends of mine leave it on for an hour which I did once but I was afraid my hair was gonna fall out.....I didn't see any noticeable difference.

After thirty minutes step into a shower that is warm not hot and rinse the dye out and put the conditioner in a tube on your hair for 2 min and then rinse ( the instructions will tell you all this so doublecheck )

That's it. Really was simple wasn't it? I TOLD YOU SO!!!--Tips

PS. Now go spend the money you saved on an outfit to go with your new look FABULOUS!!

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