Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Post 30 of new/amazing/interesting items for you to look over! Enjoy!--Tips

Here is Post 30 of new/amazing/interesting items for you to look over! Enjoy!--Tips

Pnut Butter and Choc Pnut Butter Pop Tarts.....even I might fall for these....

I am not a big fan of Banquet but they do make pretty good pot pies and I wouldn't touch these but someone who loves sausage and gravy would think they had hit heaven!!

Chicken biscuit mini sandwiches and Sausage and Pancake Banquet....I might fall for these if they were somewhere and I needed a quick breakfast on vacation or whatever....I would imagine keep these  in the freezer and tell the kids to zap one in the morning and let you sleep in!

Fiesta Bake and Cheeseburger bake....I make a cheeseburger/hamburger/peas dish all the time and it is yummy....if it is Stouffers even better....the fiesta bake is tomatoes, beef, peppers over rice with tortilla only concern would be the tortilla chips....i hope you can scatter them on top at the end but maybe they keep fine....those things are pretty tough! Stouffers is high but usually worth it!

I am not really sure how this works....I guess it keeps you cooler? Might be really nice for hot flashes in the evenings....hmm....not sure....again, not familiar with product but it caught my eye

This is an inflatable chair which could come in handy if relatives were staying in the den or whatever....Beside it (I meant to get a picture but it either blurred or I forgot.).. to the right is a little bed with edges and it is for kids to sleep in so they don't fall out ( also inflatable)....I wouldn't put a little little one in there b/c if it was not inflated enough the little face could get caught in the edge but maybe they have taken that into account....just my immediate reaction as an overprotective parent....but I liked the looks of it and would be great thing to have for sleepovers.....

This is a ( blurred sorry....can't always tell on my phone camera)product called skunkies that takes the smell out of items....i think before you wash them....put this in a gym bag I suppose....I would imagine they have a website with better images and more info if you are interested

this is a fancy pants lint shaver and i would imagine it sucks up the lint balls somehow....not sure

Clever put your bulbs in this and submerge it into the ground and then they have a more stable area and you can plant them more methodically.....

Not familiar with these gel strips but they stay on for two weeks.....apparently there is a starter kit then you can move on to just applying the gel strips...not sure....latest in nail polish!


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Post 29 of new/amazing/interesting items for you to look over! Enjoy!--Tips

Here is Post 29 of new/amazing/interesting items for you to look over! Enjoy!--Tips

I am a child of the seventies so I of course love slushies....remember 7/11? Me too! Seen in Walmart

Never used these would imagine would take some force to cut with these....Seen in Walmart

This is a handy dandy teakettle of a watering can...has a handle that swings back and forth so you can pour the water easily...seen in Walmart

This is a gel strip you can wrap on whatever gives you blisters and keep it from doing that by protecting your hands,etc....seen in Walmart

this is a nice lid made of silicone by rachel ray....i am not a big fan of silicone cookware but i bet it does make a good lid with suction....seen in Walmart

This is a spoon by Rachel ray you can rest on the side of the pot....i think it is made of silicone if I remember correctly....seen in Walmart

Fusion Juicer for those of you who like to juice for nutrition.....seen in Walmart

Cute little cast iron frying pan....guess you could cook a few sausages on it or something....too little for much besides one egg? ....seen in Walmart

Iced coffee maker....seen in Walmart (nice idea but you can make it yourself cheaper most likely....always think of Martha using her old coffee in the pot and pouring it into ice cube trays for iced coffee so it wasn't diluted)

Programmable kettle....can make cocoa,etc whatever temp you want ( assuming here have to squint and read caption)....seen in Walmart

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Post 28 of new/unusual/interesting items for you to look over! Enjoy!--Tips

Here is Post 28 of new/unusual/interesting items for you to look over! Enjoy!--Tips

This is a rain barrel....saves you money b/c you collect rainwater and use it to water your vegetables or plants or whatever you desire free water for....seen in Lowes

This is a ready made composter....just add your clippings,etc and rotate and you are done!....Seen in Lowes

I guess you just add this to the clippings to speed up the process....Seen in Lowes

Wrong season but at some point these might come in handy in the area of frost protection....Seen in Lowes

I guess this helps with keeping wildlife out your garden.....seen in Lowes..

This is landscape fabric that holds the water and doesn't let it block the water from the plants....Seen in Lowes

This is what the name states....landscape fabric that has been recycled.....seen in Lowes.

This gives the pavers a solid base to start with,etc....Seen in Lowes.

This is a cool light that looks like an oil lantern....would like to have one of these myself....seen in Lowes.

These are two of the latest in fridges....apparently they now show you the internal temp of the freezer and fridge and it is an electronic panel now....Seen in Lowes.

This one the panel is divided into cubed and crushed ice depending on whether you push the entire bar or just half of it....seen in Lowes

Saturday, June 15, 2013

BHG 50 ways to celebrate Fathers Day

BHG 50 ways to celebrate Fathers Day

BHG Fathers Day homemade gifts

Pinterest Fathers Day images/ ideas

Pinterest Fathers Day images/ ideas

FD Crafts kids can make

FD Crafts kids can make

When all else fails....try food!...Spoonful FD Recipes

When all else fails....try food!Spoonful FD Recipes

Spoonful Father's day crafts

Spoonful is a good goesSpoonful Father's day crafts

Reader's Digest Last Minute Father's Day gifts

Reader's Digest Last Minute Father's Day gifts

I tried not to use Martha but here goes...Father's Day Quotes

I tried not to use Martha but here goes...Father's Day Quotes

Cool mom picks: Last min father's day ideas ( most of them free so who can beat that?)

Cool mom picks: Last min father's day ideas ( most of them free so who can beat that?)

ABC News gift ideas from 10 to 1000 dollars for Father's Day

ABC News gift ideas from 10 to 1000 dollars for Father's Day

Father's Day alert...Father's Day is tomoro...hurry up run to Walmart! NO socks/ties/underwear/wallet gifts allowed! :)

Father's Day alert...Father's Day is tomoro...hurry up run to Walmart! NO socks/ties/underwear/wallet gifts allowed! :)

Seriously, stop and think about who your dad REALLY is as a man. Not the body of a man but the soul and spirit of a man. What makes him tick? What does he get excited about? What can he talk your head off about for hours? Nothing....well what does he watch on tv? What kind of books does he read? Use these ideas to pick out a gift. Not just run out and buy generic " men" gifts. He doesn't want them anymore than mom wants pantyhose and hairspray just because she is a woman!

Your dad won't be around forever you know. My father has gone to heaven and I miss him. Take time to appreciate your father while you still have him around. Ask him about his childhood, his teenage years, his first years of marriage....those stories will become priceless to you once he has gone away. Listen to his voice. What I wouldn't give to hear my parents and grandparent's voices!

Your father is more than that guy who went to work everyday and showed up for supper and took out the trash. He has hopes and dreams and ideas and aspirations for the future! Tap into him while you can. And if he is no longer around to bug you....I understand where you are coming from. I am sorry for the void you have where your daddy used to be. I am sorry he left before you had a chance to say goodbye or make things right. I am sorry if he was a real SOB and you never understood what you did or didn't do to make him that way. He was after all, just a man. A flawed man made of flesh bone and blood and spirit. Honor him for at least giving you life. If your dad is still around say I love you or give him a hug or both. Or if you can't muster up that much love give the old man a call to lift his spirits.He might just grumble or bark something back and you might not think you made a dent but once he hangs up he might just smile secretly all to himself. He's not gonna let you know it got in b/c men don't let you know that kind of stuff. It doesn't fit in with the tough guy image thing. Happy Father's Day!--Tips

Monday, June 10, 2013

Use mayo to treat head lice....olive oil works too !

Came across this as I was looking about whether or not olive oil catches fire in the oven.....interesting! Hope to never have lice but if I do I am trying this first!

Use mayo to treat head lice....olive oil works too...scroll down for link

How to roast zucchini and/or burn your house down! ;)

How to roast zucchini and/or burn your house down! ;)

Well let's just say I had an adventure tonight.... but it had a happy ending. I attempted....successfully mind roast zucchini for the first time. In fact, I had never really had zucchini (except maybe in restaurants here or there) much less cooked it at home and I certainly had never roasted it before. But my husband's coworker had given him three very large zucchini ( well they looked big to me but what do I know?) from his additional pressure not to let some prized homegrown organic zucchini go to waste.

So I asked my buddies on the Tips page I have on Facebook. Got lots of great answers. I was stunned by how many people loved zucchini and told me great ways to cook it. But which one to choose? I had no idea. So I asked my sister. Just drizzle some olive oil and put salt and pepper on it. Fine. Sounded easy enough. Asked my friend Lana. Just do the olive oil salt/pepper thing or drizzle some italian dressing on them. Now that sounded pretty good to me. So it got to be dinner time. I didn't have time to go searching on the internet for the post where all the nice people answered how to make zucchini. So I looked it up online. It said just put salt and pepper and bake for 30 min on 450. Easy enough.

So what I did was a combo of all three. And it was so good I couldn't quit eating it tonight. YUMMY. Loved the italian dressing ones. Try them if you have not.I cut up the zucchini and had two cookie trays full.  I just drizzled some italian dressing using a spouted measuring cup on one set. Worked out well. Put salt and pepper on it as well as some italian seasoning from my grinder.Drizzled the italian dressing on top. On the other tray I had some zucchini that I put olive oil, salt and pepper and some italian seasoning from the grinder as well as some parmesan sprinkled on top. The problem was I put TOO much olive oil...I wasn't thinking about the whole oil plus heat catches on fire thing.

Well I was thinking about the whole oil plus heat equals fire thing when the oven started smoking via the cooktop. In fact I thought I had turned on the stovetop accidently b/c it started smoking and then I realized it was the oven not the stovetop smoking. Then it hit me. Oh blankety blank....I have a bunch of oil in the oven! The red hot 450 degree oven. So I opened the door and the sizzling and spitting did little to calm me down. I had flashbacks to the time I had to carry a cast iron frying pan outside with a 4 ft high flame coming from it. So I was torn....should I open the oven door or shut it? Would more oxygen ignite the flame or not? Does olive oil even catch on fire? Is this even supposed to smoke?Why oh why had I tried this crazy zucchini thing anyway?

Then it hit me....use papertowels to sop up the grease. So I carefully removed the spitting sizzling cooking sheet full of oil ( well not full but the bottom had a good bit of oil) and set it on the stovetop and laid some balled up paper towel in the grease hoping it didn't catch on fire as well.....holding my breath I sopped up the grease....I was about to put the tray back in the oven when I tilted it to reveal more grease running around on the cookie tray ( making a get away I suppose!)....So I got some more papertowels and sopped up the remaining grease and returned the tray to the oven. The italian dressing one was spitting at me like a mad wet hen. But I wasn't the least bit worried about it. So I left it alone.

I "roasted" the zucchini on 450 for 30 min and then I removed it from the oven. I have to really looked pretty on the plate.....and I couldn't quit eating it. In fact I couldn't quit moaning as I was eating it. It was a good thing I wasn't on a first date or I would have been in trouble. It was that tasty. In fact, right now, my belly is too full b/c I kept going back for " one more piece" was that good. Try it. And goodness knows, it was certainly easy enough to make. Except do yourself a favor and skip the burning down the house part. Go easy when you are drizzling the olive oil. I think I was glug-glugging....and you know how cheap I am. Olive oil isn't cheap either. House be damned I will be making this again. YUM. --Tips

3 big zucchini my husband's coworker gave us from his garden.Thumb for size reference.

Started by just cutting off the ends of each zucchini and then cutting them in half and then in half again and then in little sections...Just do whatever comes natural. Nobody will call the zucchini police on you I promise.

This is the second tray of zucchini I had once I cut the three large zucchini up. Almost couldn't fit them all.

Added salt and ground pepper and some italian seasoning from that grinder on both trays.

From left to right are what I used....parmesan cheese....olive oil...pepper grinder, salt shaker, italian seasoing grinder, italian dressing and the spouted measuring cup

This is showing you my "drizzler"...or spouted measuring cup...I put about an inch of italian dressing in the cup and then just poured it over the zucchini and then I did the same thing with olive oil on the other tray. So one tray had olive oil  with parmesan on zucchini  and
one had italian dressing drizzled on top.

Here are both in the oven once they were done cooking . Not a great shot but bear in ovens and little phone cameras don't mix :)

This is what it looked like after being roasted.....both trays shown.

Weird food combo but was gonna have mexican for dinner so just made this to make sure I used it up before it went bad( it sat on the counter a week prior to my cooking it) made a pretty presentation on the plate even. 

Isn't it pretty? And I couldn't quit making noises the whole time I was eating it. It was that tasty! YUM....try it couldn't be easier... if you just skip the burning down the house part you will be quite happy with roasted zucchini I promise!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

How to blanch vegetables

Blanching is an easy way to preserve vegetables from the garden if your yield isn't enough to do much with. Last year I kept getting one or two okra here and there. Okra grow fast but it still would be a week or two in between batches of one or two. Well one or two okra didn't go far among five of us so I learned online how to blanch them. Blanching allowed me to put them in the freezer then I was able to cook them together once I got a big enough batch of okra. Blanching is basically where you drop fresh vegetables into boiling water for a specific amount of time and then into a cold batch of water to stop the cooking process and then you are able to freeze them and they retain the flavor of fresh veggies. It also neutralizes bacteria  and enzymes so the food does not go bad. There are lots of articles online if you get serious about blanching vegetables.Just type in "how to blanch vegetables" or "blanching times for vegetables" into a search engine.

Here is an article or two on to do it and the time for each specific vegetable. Enjoy!--Tips

WiseGeek defines Blanching

Blanching vegetables by Gardener's Net

Excellent resource of blanching times for vegetables by Natl Center of Home Food Preservation

Gumbo defined by WiseGeek

Gumbo defined by WiseGeek

Gumbo defined by Wikipedia

Gumbo defined by Wikipedia

Lazy man's Vegetable Gumbo( good way to use up fresh okra from the garden )

Lazy man'sVegetable Gumbo(good way to use up fresh okra from the garden instead of blanching)

Well let me begin by saying I am inherently lazy....and it shows in my cooking. However since 1950 and the TV dinner was invented most cooks are less serious and use ready made and processed items whenever they can get their grubby little hands on them. I know I am all about quick and easy in almost ALL areas of my life.So you will see frozen and canned items in my kitchen.But I also love plants and adore growing my own food.  Lately I have been trying to add some "organic" foods in my diet and been incorporating some veggies from the garden...which considering the "abandonment" technique I tend to use in regards to doing little beyond watering my garden and hoping for the best....they are surely in the " organic" category as well.

Gumbo is a favorite in the South. If you are not from the South or in particular Louisiana ( which I am not claiming this version even comes close to either of them but it is a start) you probably have no clue how to even start to cook gumbo. Most local people in my area use shrimp (but I used ham tonight )....I will look up about gumbo and post some articles in a minute but for the most part my understanding is it is just whatever combination of foods you wish to cook together ( basically a way to use up leftover veggies/meat). On the package it reads " Simmer one bag of frozen vegetable gumbo mix with one can stewing tomatoes for 30 min. Season to taste". Well I did a hell of a lot more than that but I still am not a chef by any means. But I like food and I am " a good eater" as my daughter age 6 says. But like all the recipes I post this one falls under the "for beginning cooks" or "inexperienced cooks" category....I just want to help people who are not confident by showing them how simple it really is. So without further ado....Here is my version of

Lazy man's Vegetable gumbo

This is what I started with....I used half the ham and could have used shrimp or chicken or sausage instead....some people combine all three but according to an article I just read you are not supposed to mix seafood with meat but then in the pic they did just that....sigh....I think anything goes really....I know I have eaten all three meats in gumbo before. That cubed ham is a nice easy thing to throw into various dishes...makes meat part easy on the cook. 

Stewed tomatoes are a great way to add instant flavor to your meal and these organic diced fire roasted tomatoes are pretty good as well....they have a good flavor due to the fire roasting process.

I started with two of these from the frozen section of the grocery store....I also had two cans of tomato soup and one can of spaghetti sauce and two cans of fire roasted tomatoes and one can of stewed tomatoes....ideally you could use tomato paste or tomato sauce for a thicker base....I didn't want to go out to the store so I used what I had on hand. The key is to let a thin sauce simmer and it will thicken over will go from watery to a thin tomato sauce if you let it cook Low and Slow.

I also had some fresh veggies like okra from the garden I wanted to use ( you could blanch them but I decided to make gumbo instead)...i could have used the tomatoes for some flavor as well but I held on to them....I just plucked them....give me a few days and they will be less precious....I also used some leftover onion from the fridge that I saved in a ziploc from when I sliced a little bit off a week or so ago. Real onion makes all the difference. I sound like a broken record but honestly it adds alot of flavor to your cooking. 

This is what the two bags of vegetable gumbo mix looked like prior to adding was a good bit of vegetables....I was impressed at how much corn,etc there was

first I added about an inch of water to the stockpot with the two bags of gumbo mix

then I added my half thing of ham ( my overhead light wasn't working so I had to use a flashlight and that is why the lighting is wierd)

I then added two cans of tomato soup ( plus two cans of water total),  one can of  roasted organic tomatoes, and one can stewed tomatoes....later when my sauce was too thin I added the can of spaghetti sauce ( ideally use tomato paste or tomato sauce but I used what I had in the pantry)

Here is the whole reason I made gumbo....fresh okra from garden wanted to use up. Just cut the tips off them and then cut into little slices about 1/2 inch thick....discard tips....added diced okra to tomato mixture on stove.

These are the seasonings I used but you use whatever you find yummy....I love my italian seasoning grinder and pepper grinder and  I also used powdered minced onion and garlic pepper and salt. Some people might want some hot sauce as well. Not me. I am not a spicy lover.

I diced up some real onion at this point and added it as well. Stir mixture well. Say a prayer to the Gumbo Gods that it will be yummy....haha.

Let mixture simmer for an hour on med low to high. I don't like my tomato sauce to bubble too much. Low and slow is the key to getting a thin watery sauce to thicken into a nice tomato base....the longer you can cook it the will begin to smell first it just seems like watery broth but then the flavors begin to unite and you will know when it happens b/c the whole house will smell divine! Serve over a pot of white rice...well a bowl of rice each....a pot of rice each would be a teeny bit excessive but this is America so it wouldn't complete surprise me ;)....Enjoy! --Tips